Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Chena Hot Springs AK

These pics were taken at Chena Hot Springs just north of Fairbanks on your way to the Artic Circle. It was HOT the first day we went - in the high 80s - most people think of AK as cold all the time - definitely not - especially in the Interior!!

Japanese people flock here to Chena every year to try to conceive their children under the Northern Lights - Aurora Borealis. They feel their children will be more successful if conceived there.

Perry says that's the one night that Japanese women aren't allowed to have a headache! :)

We drove up there twice from Fairbanks. Saw moose en route too! The Hot Springs pool varies in temp from the low 100s to 120 in some places. The fountain you see in the middle keeps it cool - there's also a water fall that feels like a massage - not any where near as good as my favorite massage therapist Suzanne - but it will do until I get back to St Augustine!

We just heard that Suzanne just got engaged!! We're so happy for both of them! Wedding is in October 2010 in St Augustine.

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