Monday, July 6, 2009

Where has the time gone?

Is it possible to have too much fun? If so..we are guilty as charged!

This will be a week of playing "catch up" on my blog with pictures of our trip to Fairbanks, Sterling and Homer on the Cook Inlet.

Our time has been spent either been gold panning, fishing or visiting with new found friends here in AK. The days have been so long (some days 24 hours of sunshine) that it's been hard to get to sleep after being so active. Unfortunately, that hasn't translated to losing weight but we're still "thinking about it" !! ha ha

Here are just a few of the pictures you've been waiting for .. more will come soon so stay tuned!

Moose can be seen right on the roadside!

I discovered some gold flakes at a place near Fairbanks called Pedro Dome - we're not rich yet so don't call us for a loan !! LOL

The scenery is to die for...wide open spaces - no people - no traffic - just peace and quiet -- heavenly!

Perry's moose horns were taken at Chena HotSprings - we sat in 100+ degree water most of the day and just relaxed .... wonderful :)
Want to know how we are able to travel and still get paid?

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