Saturday, April 4, 2009

Amazing what a little ingenuity will do

We needed a small stool for the two leather chairs in our living area so last week we went to a thrift store and bought a used rattan ottoman that had a small tear in the fabric for $4.

Today we bought a $20 luxury towel at Bealls Outlet (reduced to $4) - cut it in half and recovered the top of the ottoman. With the cost of the ottoman we 're into it for $8 bucks and it would have cost us about $50 new :) and it looks beautiful !

Perry usually has his computer on his lap and needed a "desk" - so we went searching for a laptop holder for your lap - ha ! they quit making them! So...we said what the heck .. we'll make our own.

We went to Lowes and bought a single board shelf 16"x35" - covered it with a rubberized fabric (to hold the computer and mouse) and now he's using it on top of a cloth TV tray he's had for the last couple of years. It works perfectly - cost: $6 for the board and $3 for the rubber stuff - grand total $9 plus tax!

Amazing what you can accomplish with a little ingenuity :)

Ways to Recession proof your income

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