Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Another cold and windy day in FL

I think I finally figured out why I love this lifestyle - it's like we're on a "Permanent Vacation"!
The picture of the squirrel was taken from our back window - he is sitting on a spare tire eating out of my bird feeder :) He knew we couldn't get to him so he just sat there and thumbed his nose at us and kept on eating !

Don't be jealous you northerners, it's another windy and cold day in FL - temps in the low 40s last night and today in the 60s.

One RV had his awning blown off yesterday - (here's a tip: if you like to RV ....ALWAYS ALWAYS close your awnings when you leave for the day - especially if the weather looks a little iffy - it will save you alot of money!)

We've had two sand hill cranes hanging out at our campsite since we arrived a few days ago. They love to dance and we've tried to capture some pictures of them.

We had a cute little squirrel sitting in our back window eating off my bird feeder this morning. Most people chase them away, I just love watching them. Even though he could see us in the window he kept right on eating!

As soon as the wind stops blowing so hard Perry will install an electric fan in the ceiling. It will start getting hot again here in FL and will come in handy when we get to Atlanta and Dallas soon. Then it's on to Alaska!


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