Monday, April 13, 2009

"Cheryl's Slow Cooked Hot and Sweet Chicken"

I couldn't resist taking this picture of these little girls staying next door to our rig. They were "driving" their convertible up to the pool for a swim :) their grandparents bring them over here from Tampa to camp out with them for a few days every month.

Perry has been in a creative mood lately and created another new flag pole our of PVC pipe for a decorative flag yesterday. (he made one for the US flag the day before). He bought me a Welcome Friends frog flag for Easter -- he's so cute -- Perry that is! LOL

He also came up with another creative way to hang our towels on the new rack on back of the rig by attaching clothes pins (the ones with holes in the top) on the pvc pipe with those little plastic strips that won't come off. We tried it last night after a swim at the pool and our clothes didn't blow off this time!

He keeps telling me that he's busier now than when we were in a house -- and is just waiting for me to come up with another project :) -- who... me??.

Hey - want an EASY and tasty crockpot meal? I just invented it and man is it yummmy!!

"Cheryl's Slow Cooked Hot and Sweet Chicken"
2 chicken breasts
1 can creamed corn
1 can Rotel tomatoes
Blend the corn and Rotel together - pour over the chicken - set to low and voila - dinner at 5!
I even added a 1/2 can of left over carrots and with the sweet corn and the sweet carrots it cut the heat of the rotel a little..

We split a large baked potato - a nice - easy - quick meal!

Perry kept saying - "man this is good" --what are you going to name it? it is!

Enjoy ~~
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Ways to Recession proof your income

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