Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Storms in FL today

Wowoowwweee!! the winds were ahowlin' all day here - Perry nearly got blown off his feet at the gas station while pumping gas!

We had to put the slide in on the coach to keep from damage and as soon as we did the winds calmed down..naturally :)

Tornadoes hit in Pasco Co (north of Clearwater) and east of here - some damage to homes. We were really lucky the tornadoes didn't come this way. Perry's sister Ann is visiting her son in Daytona and lucked out too - no tornadoes - thank goodness.

We hope to see them before they head back to VA next week. Our converter is out on the rig so we need to get that fixed before Monday - our batteries have been draining faster because it's not working properly; hopefully covered by our extended warranty.

Beautiful sunsets tonite. Temps in the 60s. Tomorrow will hit 80. (I got the order of the sunset pictures wrong - but you get the idea~! )

Hope you all had a good weekend..see ya tomorrow!
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