Thursday, July 16, 2009

up at 4:15 AM for fish?? !!

We both awoke at 4:15 this AM and the first thing out of my mouth was "wanna go fishin?" - up we got - had a little breakfast and fired up the truck.

We went down to the Kenai thinking we'd be the first to arrive at the favorite fishing spot - no way! there were guys coming out of the banks with the limits already filleted! I couldn't believe my eyes!

We took a spot next to a few of the "old timers" but soon found out that it can be a territorial battle so we left for a quieter place to fish further down the bank. These fishermen are very competitive about those fish!

The river started out a few weeks ago where we could actually walk out to a sand bar in our waders (rubber boots that come up to your chest). Now it's RAGING in some places and cold cold cold...we started feeling the cold after about 3 hours of fishing.

Our waders are well insulated thank goodness so normally we can wade out a few feet from shore up to our hips and not be cold - not today! Temps started in the lo 50s this AM so I could only imagine the temp of the water coming off the mountains being fed by melting snow.

We were back "home" by 830 and spent the day resting and getting caught up online.

Here's a pic I took of a guy that gave us some good fishing pointers - by the way - we didn't even get a bite! oh well..better luck next time!

He is standing right where we went at 5am this AM and it was already loaded with 6 fishermen!

Need Time and financial freedom?

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