Monday, April 27, 2009

April 27, Tornado Watch/Warnings

Holy BatMan Robin-! we got to TX just in time for our first tornado 'watch' which turned into a tornado "Warning".

We bought a NOOA storm warning radio while living in FL to watch for hurricanes and tornadoes. I can be programmed to pick up any city we are visiting (thank goodness!). Perry set it last night - we went to bed and BAM! @3AM it went off!

That one was just a warning - but once we were up and having breakfast we heard a huge storm was heading our way and moving 45 miles an hour with a cloud in rotation - you didn't need to tell me twice! :)

We pulled the slide in, closed the vents and windows, grabbed a ditty bag with meds, toothbrushes, change of underwear, computers and important documents and got in the truck.

They were predicting nickel sized hail and we didn't want our new truck damaged so we headed for shelter. Luckily the storm passed within half an hour with no damage! But - my motto is "better than safe than sorry" - I've seen enough trailers and motorhomes damaged by winds in hurricanes and tornadoes!

Perry is adding some air bags to the truck tomorrow to give us a better ride - then we'll go to Suzanne's and hang out there til they get home from work!

Tonite's Dinner Ann's MeatLoaf - Sour Cream Mashed Potatoes - Cut Green Beans
We'll have enough Meatloaf for leftovers that will be frozen for our trip to Utah next week!

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